What is the area and composition of color harmony
Area harmony occupies a very important position in color composition. It adjusts the intensity of color contrast by increasing or decreasing the area between contrasting colors, and achieves a stable and balanced sense of harmony. In general, using high-purity colors for small areas and low-purity colors for large areas can easily achieve a sense of color balance. The harmony of area is related to hue, brightness, purity, and the area and proportion of colors in the picture.
German colorist Goethe believed that the area of color harmony is related to the brightness of colors, and he set the ratio of brightness numbers for pure colors as
Yellow=9 Orange=8 Red=6 Purple=3 Blue=4 Green=6
Each complementary color brightness balance ratio is
Yellow: Purple=9:3=3:1=3/4:1/4
Orange: Blue=8:4=2:1=2/3:1/3
Red: Green=6:6=1:1=1/2:1/2
When converting the brightness balance ratio of each complementary color pair into a harmonious area ratio, it is necessary to invert the brightness ratio number, that is, because yellow is three times stronger in brightness than its complementary color purple, yellow and purple should be combined harmoniously. Yellow should account for 14% of the total area and purple should account for 3/4 of the total area. Therefore, the harmonious area ratio of each complementary color pair is
Yellow: Purple=1/4:3/4
Orange: Blue=1/3:2/3
Red: Green=12:12
In short, harmonious color areas produce a static and balanced effect, and when harmonious proportions are adopted, the area contrast is neutralized. It should be noted that the harmonious area ratio mentioned above is only effective when the hue exhibits its maximum purity. If the purity is changed, the balanced color area will also change accordingly
What is the area and composition of color harmony