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Other aspects of printing factory prices 3. Standardized understanding and handling of labor and materials{Buke printing factory}

From:Buke printing factory of China | Author:China Bukeprinting factorybook0755 | Published time: 2023-05-30 | 53 Views | Share:
Other aspects of printing factory prices 3. Standardized understanding and handling of labor and materials{Buke printing factory}

Other aspects of printing factory prices 3. Standardized understanding and handling of labor and materials{Buke printing factory}

Some intangible losses are often difficult to calculate by both parties, as stated in the three to four items in the printing price list in the Beijing area: "In case of labor-intensive or labor-saving products that are not included in this regulation, they shall be priced based on the actual consumption of labor and materials; if the printing unit causes labor and material losses due to reasons, it shall be compensated to the factory according to the actual loss amount. In short, it is practical and realistic. Firstly, both time and savings should be calculated, and secondly, they should be calculated based on the actual amount incurred.

Other aspects of printing factory prices 3. Standardized understanding and handling of labor and materials{Buke printing factory}

Other aspects of printing factory prices 3. Standardized understanding and handling of labor and materials{Buke printing factory}

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