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Differences and Similarities between Printing Quotation and Printing Pricing 【 Buke Printing factory】

From:Buke printing factory of China | Author:China Bukeprinting factorybook0755 | Published time: 2023-05-15 | 65 Views | Share:
Differences and Similarities between Printing Quotation and Printing Pricing 【 Buke Printing factory】

Differences and Similarities between Printing Quotation and Printing Pricing 【 Buke Printing factory】

Printing quotation and printing pricing are methods of calculating printing processing costs at different stages. Printing quotation refers to the cost of processing printed materials and raw and auxiliary materials provided to the customer according to their requirements for the product before the customer entrusts the processing of printed materials. Printing pricing refers to the settlement list provided by the printing unit to the customer based on the detailed pricing standards signed by both parties after the printing products commissioned by the customer are processed. The similarities and differences between printing pricing and printing quotation are as follows.

1. Similarities

① The principle is the same.

② The basic items are the same.

③ All are rigorous and meticulous work processes.

2. Differences

① The printing quotation is conducted before signing a printing processing contract with the customer, and the printing pricing is conducted after the printing processing. The printing quotation requires fast speed and timely delivery.

② All process links have been completed during printing pricing, so the calculated price is accurate. There are uncertain factors in each process link during printing pricing, which may change during processing. Therefore, the printing quotation is a valuation, but it should be as close to the printing value as possible.

③ Printing pricing is an accurate calculation, and all pricing items must be complete. Printing pricing emphasizes the speed of pricing, so some small items with low costs can be omitted

④ The printing quotation is slightly higher than the printing pricing value, and generally the quoted price is an additional 3% on a reasonable basis.

⑤ For the printing quotation, both parties can negotiate (negotiate) and it is variable. The printing pricing is the price after the contract is signed, which needs to be followed and executed.

Differences and Similarities between Printing Quotation and Printing Pricing 【 Buke Printing factory】

Differences and Similarities between Printing Quotation and Printing Pricing 【 Buke Printing factory】

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