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Paper selected for paper opening in the printing factory 【 Buke printing factory 】

From:Buke printing factory of China | Author:China Bukeprinting factorybook0755 | Published time: 2023-05-18 | 71 Views | Share:
Paper selected for paper opening in the printing factory 【 Buke printing factory 】

Paper selected for paper opening in the printing factory 【 Buke printing factory 】

We rarely see full page publications, and usually require paper opening. So what specifications should be used for regular paper and what specifications should be used for large paper (while special specification paper is generally more expensive due to the smaller production volume, so if possible, special specification paper is generally not used), which is a common consideration for publishing and printing personnel. Because paper with the same quantity of paper has a smaller area than regular paper, the price will be cheaper. For example, taking 80g/m2 double-sided offset paper as an example, if the price of the paper is 7150 yuan/ton, then the full sheet price of regular paper is 0.49 yuan/sheet, and the price of large paper is 0.61 yuan/sheet. Therefore, selecting paper appropriately and being able to cut the required paper can save a lot of money.

The finished product specification of a certain publication is 20mx20m. What paper gauge to choose and how to cut it is the most cost-effective

Solution: Use large paper (889mm) × 1194mm), can be opened into 20 or 15 openings.

20 sheets: 194 ÷ 23=5 (knives), 89 ÷ 20=4 (knives), 20 sheets, with an average of 0.031 yuan per sheet

15 sheets: 194 ÷ 20=5 (knives), 889 ÷ 23=3 (knives), 15 sheets, average of 0.041 yuan per sheet

Using positive paper (787mmx1092mm), it can be split into 12 or 15 sheets.

12 sheets: 1092 ÷ 23=4 (knives), 787 ÷ 20=3 (knives), 12 sheets, average of 0.041 yuan per sheet

15 sheets: 1092 ÷ 20=5 (knives), 787 ÷ 23=3 (knives), 15 sheets, average of 0.033 yuan per sheet

Based on the above comparison, it is recommended to choose the opening method of 20 sheets of large paper, which has the lowest price. These calculations do not include additional calculations, and in practical applications, additional calculations need to be added.

Paper selected for paper opening in the printing factory 【 Buke printing factory 】

Paper selected for paper opening in the printing factory 【 Buke printing factory 】

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